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Codes & OrdinancesCode of OrdinancesThe Code of Ordinances is a comprehensive publication of local laws, administrative provisions, water and sewer regulations, and much more. The online publication of the Code of Ordinances is updated annually and therefore might not reflect recent changes. Copies of each ordinance dating back to the 1800s are available at the Administration Building in print or PDF format. Zoning OrdinanceFrankfort's zoning ordinance establishes several classifications of property and the rules by which property may be used and built upon for each class. It also sets forth several administrative and legal procedures, steps to request relief from its provisions and identifies certain requirements for property development. Building Codes & AmendmentsFrankfort uses several well-recognized building codes to regulate the construction and use of structures in the village. In certain cases, amendments to these national/international codes are made to fit local conditions. Sign OrdinanceThe Sign Ordinance is a stand-alone component of the zoning ordinance that sets standards for placing various types of signs on a property or building. Regulations address the number of signs permitted, their location, size, method of illumination and duration, among other things. Landscape OrdinanceThe Landscape Ordinance is a stand-alone component of the zoning ordinance that regulates the type and quantity of landscaping required in the village. Standards address species selection for parkway trees, planting in commercial areas, stormwater management facilities and much more. Engineering Design StandardsFrankfort's engineering design standards set forth minimum construction requirements for public improvements and effectively serve as the village's subdivision regulations. The standards address administrative procedures, design specifications, environmental concerns, flooding and a variety of other topics.